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WEBINAR Jan 25-26: Choose Excellence: Study in Canada

18 Ιανουαρίου 2022@8:00 πμ-5:00 μμ

A 1-hour webinar hosted by 6 Canadian universities entitled Choose Excellence: Study in Canada, will take place on January 25th at 5:00 pm Greece (4:00pm CET) and/or January 26th at 8:00 pm Greece (7:00pm CET), to give flexibility for which date and time works best your students.

The Canadian Universities presenting:

·       Bishop’s University

·       Concordia University

·       Dalhousie University

·       Queen’s University

·       Ryerson University

·       University of British Columbia

Education Trade Commissioner for Canada, Ms. Lakshmi Kern, will also be in attendance, to give a brief overview of studying in Canada in addition to the topics below.

Connect with 6 Canadian Universities for an introduction or re-introduction to Canadian post-secondary education.

·       Overview of each institution

·       Panel discussion showcasing:

o   The unparalleled student experiences

o   Quality of education

o   Stable economy

o   Endless career opportunities

·       Breakout Rooms


Students can discover how to make the most of a Canadian post-secondary experience, ranked 1st for quality of life and 1st overall!

Choose Excellence -Study in Canada!


Students interested in attending can register by using the links below:


·       Tuesday January 25th, 2022 4:00pm CET: https://queensu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvfuygqDkvHtP4soi8wNut-Y_fD6_JcdF6

·       Wednesday January 26th, 2022 7:00pm CEThttps://queensu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvd-2grDsqHtVv6nkcETwS-E6xOFYfl5zR


If there are any questions leading up to the event, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the below institutions.

·                      Bishop’s University  – Guillaume Houde (ghoude@UBishops.ca

·                      Concordia University – Erica Porter (erica.porter@concordia.ca)

·                      Dalhousie University – Chris Vickers (chris.vickers@dal.ca)

·                      Queen’s University – Michelle Taylor (michelle.taylor@queensu.ca)

·                      Ryerson University – Joana Londoño (jlondono@ryerson.ca)

·                      University of British Columbia – Tom Whittaker (tom.whittaker@ubc.ca)


18 Ιανουαρίου 2022
8:00 πμ-5:00 μμ