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Registration is open! – Research and Innovation Days 2021 – 23-24 June

31 Μαΐου 2021@8:00 πμ-5:00 μμ

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We are pleased to inform you that the registration to this year’s European Research and Innovation Days is now open!

Register here!

The event will take place online on 23 and 24 June, and it will showcase over 60 live sessions covering a wide range of R&I topics, including: Horizon Europe, the European Research Area, the European Innovation Ecosystems, and in-depth discussions around EU priories such as the digital advent, the post-covid recovery and others.

Explore the event programme and start shaping your own experience by browsing through sessions and specialised workshops you can attend during the event. Make your selection and get ready to discuss about the most compelling research and innovation themes with panelists and fellow attendees from across Europe and beyond.

Want to know more about the most innovative European R&I projects? The European R&I Exhibition, will showcase over 100 EU-funded projects that have impacted on our daily lives!

Register now and keep up to date with the R&I Days by following us on Twitter via @EUScienceInnov and #RiDaysEU.

Kind regards,

The European Research and Innovation Days Organisation Team





31 Μαΐου 2021
8:00 πμ-5:00 μμ